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Click on any of the 10 issues to learn more about them
Cardinal |
Ordaining Female Deacons
Ordaining Female Deacons
Blessing Same-Sex Couples
Blessing Same-Sex Couples
Making Priestly Celibacy Optional
Making Priestly Celibacy Optional
Restricting the Vetus Ordo (Old Latin Mass)
Restricting the Vetus Ordo (Old Latin Mass)
Vatican-China Secret Accords
Vatican-China Secret Accords
Promoting a “Synodal Church”
Promoting a “Synodal Church”
Focusing on Climate Change
Focusing on Climate Change
Reassessing Humanae Vitae
Reassessing Humanae Vitae
Communion for Divorced & Remarried
Communion for Divorced & “Remarried”
German “Synodal Way”
German “Synodal Way”
Cardinal |
Ordaining Female Deacons
Ordaining Female Deacons
Blessing Same-Sex Couples
Blessing Same-Sex Couples
Making Priestly Celibacy Optional
Making Priestly Celibacy Optional
Restricting the Vetus Ordo (Old Latin Mass)
Restricting the Vetus Ordo (Old Latin Mass)
Vatican-China Secret Accords
Vatican-China Secret Accords
Promoting a “Synodal Church”
Promoting a “Synodal Church”
Focusing on Climate Change
Focusing on Climate Change
Reassessing Humanae Vitae
Reassessing Humanae Vitae
Communion for Divorced & Remarried
Communion for Divorced & “Remarried”
German “Synodal Way”
German “Synodal Way”
Ambiguous In a 2021 interview, Cardinal Aguiar Retes praised “the decision of Pope Francis to initiate a serene and profound study on the possibility of the diaconal ordination of women, without setting a time limit for reaching a decision, seems to me to be prudent and sensible.” He also said he is “glad that Pope Francis has opened access to women to the ministries of lector and acolyte,” saying “the administration of the Holy Eucharist at Mass … [is] the ministry of the acolyte.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous While Cardinal Aguiar Retes has allowed the Fraternity of St Peter to continue its apostolate in Mexico City, no secular clergy are allowed to offer the vetus ordo. The cardinal has also been critical of vocations to traditional religious institutes and their apostolates, saying that, at times, “we have preferred to take refuge in the traditional ways that were effective, but today, in a secularized world, there are few who respond to these forms.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Aguiar Retes has been a strong advocate of synodality in the Catholic Church, stressing its importance for communion, participation and mission. During a meeting in April 2024, the Pope praised the synodal process implemented in the archdiocese and encouraged the continuation of this approach to achieve a synodal Church.
In Favor Cardinal Aguiar Reates underlined the gravity of the ecological crisis, stressing that “our common home is at risk, it is urgent to act.” Speaking to La Nacion in 2019, during the Amazon Synod, he said “the Church has to be a factor that generates awareness to take care of the common home.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Aguiar Retes, in line with the proposals of Cardinal Walter Kasper, supports the idea of a “penitential path” for the divorced and civilly remarried Catholic before they can receive Communion. At the 2015 Synod on the Family, he told reporters that this path is similar to that of the Orthodox Churches, which provides for “repentance, accepting the mistakes made, and starting a new journey.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous The Church in Africa has “no particular difficulty” with the prospect of studying women’s access to the diaconate, Cardinal Ambongo stated at a Vatican briefing on October 22, 2024 during the Synod on Synodality.
Against “Extra-liturgical benedictions offered by Fiducia Supplicans will not be able to be given in Africa without giving rise to scandal,” he wrote in his statement announcing that he had obtained approval of this position in Rome. “Unions of persons of the same sex are considered contradictory to cultural norms and intrinsically evil,” he added.
Against Seminarians should be given a clear vision of what celibacy means, and choose it in all freedom: “But if you do, you must live in coherence with your free decision,” Cardinal Ambongo has said.
Ambiguous There are no diocesan celebrations of the Vetus Ordo in Kinshasa. Cardinal Ambongo has enthusiastically endorsed the Zairian rite which he sees as a “great asset” through its “creativity.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Ambongo is extremely favorable to the synodal process. He stressed the importance of this process as a “new way of being Church.”
In Favor Cardinal Ambongo insists “the climate crisis is a lived reality for people across Africa” and calls it “a moral outrage, a tragic and striking example of structural sin facilitated by callous indifference and selfish greed.” He has called on world leaders to “heed to the cry of the poor and the cry of the earth.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous On the occasion of his 2022 interview with KTO, Cardinal Ambongo was questioned regarding the German synodal path which favors the ordination of women as priests. He did not strongly condemn the German synod but expressed surprise that it has taken place at a “national” level when synodality is a matter for the “universal Church.”
Against Cardinal Arborelius is opposed to the ordination of women as priests. Although he hasn’t specifically addressed the issue of women deacons, he has said that while it is of the “utmost importance” to find roles for women in evangelization, “at the same time, it is important to see that there are other ways” for women to serve the Church “than ordained ministry.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Arborelius is in favor of maintaining the discipline of priestly celibacy and he does not believe that making priestly celibacy optional is a solution to clerical sexual abuse.
Ambiguous Cardinal Arborelius tried to obediently follow Traditionis Custodes, yet quickly organized multiple priest to celebrate the Tridentine mass in several places including the cathedral.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Arborelius sees it as an opportunity for spiritual renewal, deeper unity among Catholics, enhanced ecumenical dialogue, and a renewed focus on evangelization in a post-Christian world.
In Favor Cardinal Arborelius is strongly in favor, seeing it as safeguarding the Earth, nature, and the climate. He has expressed support for an international law against ecocide.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Arborelius is generally in favor, seeing it as “an issue for the entire Church to deepen.”
Against Cardinal Arborelius has spoken out forcefully against the Synodal Way, signing an open letter from Nordic bishops and a fraternal correction signed by 73 other bishops.
Ambiguous Cardinal Aveline has at times given the floor to women in liturgies, but without pronouncing himself in favor or against the ordination of women deacons.
Against Cardinal Aveline was one of the signatories of the communiqué issued by the Conférence des Evêques de France (French Bishops’ Conference) expressing caution about Fiducia Supplicans, and stressing that individuals, not couples, should be blessed.
Ambiguous Cardinal Aveline has expressed openness to the possibility. In 2023, asked about priests being allowed to marry, he replied: “Oh, I don’t know about that! These are questions that don’t depend on opinions but on the needs of the people of God. It’s a real question; you can’t decide just because you’ve met, but it requires weighing up the pros and cons, analysing the criteria carefully and meditating.”
Against At the time of Traditionis Custodes, Cardinal Aveline renewed his confidence in the priests of his diocese celebrating in the Vetus Ordo. He has occasionally celebrated Mass in the Vetus Ordo, including since the publication of Traditionis Custodes.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Aveline also played a key role in the 2021-2024 Synod on Synodality, serving as a member of the commission that oversaw, amended and approved the draft of the synod’s synthesis report during the 2023 assembly. He was also elected to represent Europeans on a committee overseeing the writing of the final document in October 2024.
In Favor In 2021, Cardinal Aveline signed with Cardinal Peter Turkson a global petition titled “Health of the Earth, Health of Humanity,” linking biodiversity and climate, in the run-up to COP26 climate in Glasgow and COP15 biodiversity in China. The petition was devised by 300 Catholic associations to call for a link between climate and biodiversity. However, this concern for the climate remains discreet.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Bagnasco upholds the Church’s teaching that only men can receive Holy Orders.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Bagnasco is firmly in favor of the discipline of priestly celibacy.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Cardinal Bagnasco has not spoken in favor or against a synodal Church but has spoken about the Eucharist and Communion at a meeting on the Eucharist and Synodality in 2021.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against In 2018 Cardinal Bagnasco described the encyclical as a “beacon for true love” and stressed that although circumstances may influence subjective perception, they do not change the objective nature of moral principles. He reiterated its relevance in the context of human dignity and Catholic morality and has given no indication that he wants it revisited.
Against Cardinal Bagnasco resisted the change, and firmly opposed the 2014 “Kasper Proposal” on which the new teaching was based.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Although Cardinal Brislin has in the past reaffirmed the Church’s prohibition against the ordination of women, he has allowed a dissident group to set up in his diocese which supports women priests.
In Favor Cardinal Brislin supported Fiducia Supplicans, emphasizing that the union isn’t blessed and that homosexuals have to live chastely.
Ambiguous Cardinal Brislin has not mentioned the issue but allowed a dissident group to set up in his diocese which supports the ordination of married clergy.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Brislin has on several occasions spoken of his concerns about the environment and a need to tackle climate change.
Against Cardinal Brislin supports the Church ban on artificial contraception and has not given an indication that he would like to see Humanae Vitae revisited. He defended Pope Benedict’s remarks on condoms in 2010 and emphasized this didn’t mean a change in doctrine, he repeated the stance of the Church on condoms under Pope Francis.
In Favor Yes, although Cardinal Brislin has not given specific and blanket support for allowing access, he supports Amoris Laetitia’s guidance and stresses the need to look at each case individually.
Unknown Unknown but it is unlikely that Cardinal Brislin supports the German Synodal Way’s support for radical change.
Against Commenting on Pope Francis’ post-synodal apostolic exhoratation, Querida Amazonia (The Beloved Amazon), Cardinal Burke said he was “very grateful” that the document seemed to say it wouldn’t be possible for women to be admitted to the diaconate.
Against Cardinal Burke has said of the German Synodal Way’s approval of same-sex blessings in 2023 that “these are sins against Christ Himself and… of the most serious nature. The Code of Canon Law provides the appropriate sanctions.” He added: “What [the German Synod’s decision] does is it renders the Church then into some kind of a human agency,” he protested.
Against Cardinal Burke said in a 2015 interview that making clerical celibacy optional “would be a very serious matter because it has to do with the example of Christ Himself, and the Church has always treasured in her priests the following of Christ’s example, also in His celibacy…It’s something more than a discipline, and therefore I would think it’s very difficult to conceive that there would be a change on this.”
Against Cardinal Burke is firmly opposed to Traditionis Custodes which he called “severe and revolutionary” and questioned the Pope’s authority to revoke use of the rite.
Against Cardinal Burke has criticized the Chinese Communist Party and praised Cardinal Zen Ze-kiun who has been strongly critical of the accords, calling him “a true shepherd today for the Catholics in China who remain faithful to Christ and who suffer the persecution of the atheistic communist government of China.”
Against In a book foreword he wrote in 2023, Cardinal Burke said “synodality and its adjective, synodal, have become slogans behind which a revolution is at work to change radically the Church’s self-understanding, in accord with a contemporary ideology which denies much of what the Church has always taught and practiced.”
Against Cardinal Burke has not publicly addressed the issue but given his theological and political leanings, as well as his lack of focus on it, he is likely not to be in favor.
Against Cardinal Burke has defended its teachings and sees them as unchangeable doctrine. He has said that overturning Humanae Vitae would mean “rejecting the entire moral tradition of the Catholic Church.”
Against Cardinal Burke was one of the four dubia cardinals which questioned the new teaching, and contributed to the book Remaining in the Truth of Christ which argued against such a change.
Against In 2022 Cardinal Burke joined 70 bishops in signing an open letter expressing “growing concern” about the synodal way and warning that it was causing confusion and “potential for schism.”
Against Cardinal Duka hasn’t addressed female deacons directly, but he has praised the heroism of great women saints and martyrs, saying: “They may not have been deaconesses, they may not have been priests, they may not have been bishops, but many bishops should definitely ‘envy’ them.” He has also said that there are priest shortages “even in those [countries] where women can become priests as well.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Duka has said: “We have a Church tradition of celibacy, backed by the theological meaning in which the priesthood is understood as the representation of Christ. I would not change this tradition.”
Ambiguous Cardinal Duka has not addressed the issue directly. He has regularly expressed his appreciation for the traditional liturgy but he has also said he considers himself “neither a progressive nor a traditionalist” and said it is important to “follow the Church’s teaching on the teaching function of the Pope, the College of Bishops and the Second Vatican Council.”
Against Cardinal Duka has criticized the Vatican’s diplomatic approach to China and its silence in the face of human rights abuses.
Ambiguous In 2021, Cardinal Duka said the process of synodality at the local level was “important” but he has also said he believes synodality and the German Synodal Path have grown out of sexual abuse crisis and “pressure from the LGBT lobby,” which has created a kind of “defensive bulwark” for certain abusers over the last decade.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Cardinal Duka has never said he would like the encyclical to be revisited. He has criticized a contraceptive mentality that is linked to abortion, but he has taken a somewhat moderate line on contraception in general, viewing it as an “ideal” that should be set high but that not all can reach.
Against Cardinal Duka sees the document as unclear on the issue. On behalf of the Czech bishops, he sent 10 dubium to the Vatican in 2023 seeking clarification. It is not clear if he was content with the Vatican’s response.
Against Cardinal Duka sees the German Synodal Way as a consequence of clerical sexual abuse and “cowardice” of certain Church leaders in the face of “pressure from the LGBT lobby,” which has created a kind of “defensive bulwark” for certain abusers over the last decade.
Against Cardinal Eijk has emphasized that such teaching cannot be changed by cultural or social pressure. Furthermore, he regards it as a topic in its death throes that is no longer relevant to young people seeking to encounter Christ in the Catholic Church. In an ordination homily in November 2024, he said that “young people do not come [to church] to discuss the ordination of women, because that is a topic from the 1960s that no longer interests them at all. They come to pray.”
Against Cardinal Eijk criticized a decisions by the Flemish bishops to introduce blessing ceremonies and believes that such irregular relationships cannot be blessed “because they are relationships that are contrary to God’s order of creation.”
Against He has explained why he believes celibacy is inseparable from the priesthood.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor He sees synodality as “thinking about possibilities to create a church in which every member of the community participates in the mission of the Church.” But he recognizes that some participating in the process don’t understand synodality, seeing it as an opportunity to change doctrine. This he puts down to the consequences of secularization and individualism.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Eijk has said the encyclical is nowadays “increasingly recognized as a prophetic document.” Rather than calling for a reassessment, he has reaffirmed the Catholic Church’s teaching on artificial contraception.
Against He believes any person desiring to receive Holy Communion must be in the state whereby he may receive the graces given in the sacrament.
Against Although Cardinal Eijk hasn’t specifically addressed the Germany Synodal Way he does not approve of many of the innovations it has commended such as same-sex blessings and a female diaconate.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Although he has not commented on Fiducia Supplicans, given his insistence that the Church’s teaching be upheld, Cardinal Erdő is most likely to be opposed. He has firmly reiterated the Church’s position that “there are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and family.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Responding to a fake report saying Cardinal Erdő was against Traditionis Custodes, his archdiocese said it was acting in accordance with the papal document. On the other hand he has been willing to permit celebration of the TLM in his diocese.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Erdő has always been a staunch defender of the unitive and procreative ends of marriage, seeing “openness to life as an intrinsic requirement of conjugal love.” He has called for the document’s “openness to life” to be “rediscovered” and has made no call for it to be revisited.
Against Cardinal Erdő has stressed that civilly remarried Catholics can only receive Communion if they live in continence, meaning they abstain from sexual relations, in line with the teaching of Pope St. John Paul II. During the Synod on the Family at which he was relator general, Erdő issued a report stressing that any pastoral approach must not compromise the truth of marriage’s indissolubility.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous While Cardinal Fernández is involved in examining women’s roles in Church leadership through his office’s upcoming document, he has not made any definitive public statements specifically supporting or opposing women deacons. His approach seems to be one of careful study within the framework of current Church positions, but his openness to examining controversial topics makes his precise position unclear.
In Favor Cardinal Fernández was the chief drafter of Fiducia Supplicans which introduced spontaneous, non-liturgical blessings of same sex couples in the Latin rite. After widespread controversy and criticism, Cardinal Fernández issued a press release on January 4, 2024 attempting to clarify aspects of Fiducia Supplicans.
In Favor In 2018, three years before Traditionis Custodes, Cardinal Fernández was restricting the traditional Latin Mass in La Plata archdiocese, contravening Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum. He allowed the Vetus Ordo to only be celebrated on Sundays, in only one church in the archdiocese, and at a time authorized by him. He also made it compulsory for priests celebrating novus ordo Masses ad orientem to celebrate them facing the people and in the vernacular.
Unknown However, given his close alignment with Pope Francis’ thought, Cardinal Fernández is likely to be in favor.
In Favor Cardinal Fernández supports a gradual, unity-focused approach to synodality that respects established doctrine while being open to pastoral developments, in line with Pope Francis’ vision. He is working to implement a more synodal approach in the Church and will oversee two working groups the Pope established to study controversial topics from the Synod on Synodality.
In Favor Cardinal Fernández supports Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’, which takes a strong stance on addressing climate change and environmental protection. As a close collaborator of Pope Francis, Fernández aligns with the Pope’s views on this issue.
In Favor In a 2006 essay, Cardinal Fernández criticized the absolute prohibition of the use of contraception in marriage established in Humanae Vitae, arguing that strict adherence to this norm could run counter to “fraternal charity” and conjugal love in some cases. He suggested that the use of condoms might be acceptable in certain marital situations.
In Favor As the chief drafter of Pope Francis’ 2016 apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia, Cardinal Fernández formalized the possibility of divorced and civilly remarried Catholics being able to receive Communion in certain cases after careful discernment.
Ambiguous Cardinal Fernández has criticized the German Synodal Way for appearing elitist, saying it sometimes seems like one part of the world feels “particularly ‘enlightened’” and believes it can reform the whole Church. However, he has expressed openness to limited pastoral developments.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Cardinal Filoni has acknowledged the historical significance of the 2018 Provisional Agreement, viewing it as an important step. But he also expressed understanding for those who have doubts and perplexities about the accords, and said that he sometimes shared them himself.
Ambiguous Although Cardinal Filoni has not been explicit about synodality, he has expressed support for the Synod of Bishops, the post-conciliar development of laity having a greater say in the running of the Church, and the work of bishops’ conferences in helping to mediate between clergy and laity.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against After Fiducia Supplicans was released, Cardinal Goh quickly said that the Church did not now approve of the blessing of same sex unions, but that the document “provides guidance in making a distinction between the Church’s official blessings, and a pastoral blessing for all occasions outside the liturgical and sacramental setting.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Although Cardinal Goh has not spoken publicly about Traditionis Custodes, under his leadership he has taken a welcoming stance towards the Tridentine Mass that is celebrated in Singapore’s churches, even establishing a Singapore Extraordinary Form Community.
Ambiguous Cardinal Goh has not spoken publicly about the accords but has expressed a commitment to human fraternity and interreligious dialogue in Asia, along the lines of Pope Francis’ initiatives in that area.
Ambiguous While Cardinal Goh appreciates some aspects of synodality, he lamented “subtle pressure” placed on participants at the assemblies in Rome not to raise issues that would not be welcomed by some participants during the Synod on Synodality. He has also expressed his belief that, at some level, a Synod of Bishops ought to be a meeting solely of bishops.
In Favor Cardinal Goh has advocated care for creation and “climate action.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous While Cardinal Goh sympathizes with the teaching of Amoris Laetitia to treat cases individually, he has expressed concern about the confusion the document caused over the issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Hollerich is not only in favor of women deacons but is also open to women priests. Asked in 2024 whether the teaching that priestly ordination is reserved to men alone and is “infallible doctrine,” the cardinal answered in contradiction to Pope St. John Paul II: “It can be changed. It needs arguments and time.” His argument for women’s ordination to the diaconate and even priesthood is that “if they feel discriminated [against], we must listen.” He also sees women deacons and priests as resolving the shortage of priests; he supports women preaching homilies at Mass.
In Favor Cardinal Hollerich has not only voiced support for the blessing of same-sex couples but also same-sex unions, something Fiducia Supplicans was careful to avoid. He has said the blessing of a same-sex union intends to bless “what is good in the relationship,” comparing them to sacramental marriage: “There also is sin in marriages, and yet we bless marriage.” He added that while sacramental marriage in the Church is reserved to heterosexual partners “because they can procreate” this “does not mean that the unions of homosexuals are not blessed by God.”
In Favor Cardinal Hollerich takes a pragmatic approach to the issue, similar to his attitude towards women priests. His argument for making celibacy optional is that “otherwise soon we will not have any more priests.”
In Favor While Cardinal Hollerich has not directly commented on Traditionis Custodes and allows the Vetus Ordo to be celebrated in his diocese, it can be safely assumed that he supports restricting it, having frequently expressed a clear disdain for the old rite and for hardline conservatism. “I would not celebrate in the old rite,” he said in a 2022 book interview. He evaded answering questions on why the views of those attached to the old Mass were not included i
In Favor Cardinal Hollerich believes there is “no other option,” writing in 2022: “I think the Vatican has no alternative. Neither has the democracy movement in Hong Kong.”
In Favor Cardinal Hollerich was general relator of the Synod on Synodality. He sees synodality as an unstoppable and transformative process guided by the Holy Spirit that will make the Church more inclusive, service-oriented, and open to addressing challenging issues. He criticized those who question it as a conspiratorial “circle” of people who are “afraid of the Synod and of a Church on the move, no longer stuck in the past.”
In Favor In 2021, Cardinal Hollerich sent a letter to all the heads of the European institutions exhorting European leaders to comply with a list of concrete ecological demands. He advocates “ecological conversion” in line with Laudato Si and has said that he had begun his conversion by making environmentally-conscious choices, avoiding plastic bottles and switching to a hybrid car.
In Favor Cardinal Hollerich finds that “the concept of nature” in Humanae Vitae to be “problematic.” He adds: “We know now that the pill is not the best thing for women. But in medicine there are always side-effects and yet no one would call medicine unnatural.” He believes the Church’s approach to sexual ethics and related pastoral care needs to evolve in light of societal changes since the encyclical was issued.
In Favor Even before the Synods on the Family when this became a central topic of debate, Cardinal Hollerich had for decades allowed prayerful celebrations for divorced Catholics who civilly remarry. He supports the possibility of Communion for some divorced and “remarried” individuals under certain circumstances, following a process of discernment.
Ambiguous Cardinal Hollerich’s position on the Synodal Way appears to have evolved, moving from “great respect” for the process to describing it as “confrontational” and not a “model” for the proceedings of the world synod, since “we are more for harmony.” However, he notably has not criticized its content, only its procedure; it seemed to Hollerich that the Germans had delivered the right results but did so too early and with a process that was too blatant.
Ambiguous |
Ambiguous Cardinal Koch generally sought to avoid entering into the controversy over the Declaration Fiducia supplicans which gave permission for non-liturgical blessings of same-sex couples. He acknowledged that the declaration had caused problems with the Orthodox and said he thought it was important to “think again” about the issue in the context of ecumenical dialogue.
Ambiguous In the 1990s Koch favored ordaining married men as priests, in line with the viri probati model. He did not propose abolishing celibacy but wanted to support celibacy, while also allowing married priests to be admitted to the priesthood, adding that the price for making such a change was “very high.” (Kurt Koch, “Liturgischer Leitungsdienst in pastoralen Notsituationen. Eine ekklesiologische Problemanzeige,” Freiburg i. Br., 1999, p. 249. Quoted from: Corradini…, p. 84) However, he later changed his position. When asked in 2018 if the vocations crisis was an argument for abolishing mandatory celibacy, he replied: “No. The decisive issue is the situation of faith.”
Ambiguous Cardinal Koch hasn’t spoken for or against Traditionis Custodes but in the past he has advocated just one unique form of the Roman Rite, suggesting “that in the future there will be a reconciliation of the two forms, so that at some point we will have only one form as a synthesis instead of two different ones”.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Cardinal Koch has spoken in support of synodality but also criticized it. “Synodality, if you take it seriously, means arguing with each other until no one has the impression that it contradicts the faith.”; “It is new that we here in the West are discovering that synodality is not something new in the Church, but has an old tradition.”; “[Papal] primacy must be exercised in a synodal manner, and synodality requires primacy”.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous “There are still open theological questions here that need to be deepened”, Cardinal Koch said prior to the publication of Amoris Laetitia, adding that the problem is very complex and far from producing any concrete solution; he pointed, among other things, to the question of the relationship between the canonical validity of a marriage and the conviction of the faithful, in whose judgment the marriage may not have been valid.
Against “It irritates me that new sources are being accepted alongside the sources of revelation in Scripture and Tradition; and it frightens me that this is happening – again – in Germany,” Cardinal Koch said of the synodal way. “For this phenomenon already occurred during the National Socialist dictatorship, when the so-called ‘Deutsche Christen’ saw God’s new revelation in blood and soil and in the rise of Hitler”.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Muller has consistently stated unequivocally that the ordination of women, either as priests or deacons, is impossible.
Against Cardinal Müller has strongly criticized and opposed Fiducia Supplicans. Some months before the document was published and commenting on same-sex blessings allowed through the German Synodal Way, Müller said such blessings were a “blasphemy.”
Against Cardinal Müller has staunchly defended priestly celibacy as an important tradition in the Catholic Church, although in 1988 he is on record as having advocated ordaining viri probati (proven married men) he has fully retracted such a view.
Against Cardinal Müller has been critical of Traditionis Custodes and since the publication of the motu proprio, has celebrated the traditional Mass and ordained priests in the vetus ordo.
Against Cardinal Müller has been strongly critical of the agreement and has expressed dismay at the Vatican’s consequent silence on China’s human rights abuses and the lack of Vatican support for Cardinal Zen during his trial in Hong Kong.
Against Cardinal Müller has been very critical of both the Synod on Synodality and the German Synodal Way.
Against Although Cardinal Müller has made no specific comments on climate change, he has criticized those who present the Catholic Church as “an aid organization for the 2030 Agenda” where “climate neutrality [is] the goal of planet earth.”
Against Cardinal Gerhard Müller has expressed strong opposition to any attempts to reassess or reinterpret the teachings of Humanae Vitae, describing such efforts as a “crime against the Church” and a betrayal of her mission.
Against Cardinal Müller has consistently opposed changing Church teaching to allow Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics, except in cases where they live in complete continence. He views such changes as contradicting divine law and established doctrine.
Against Cardinal Müller has firmly opposed the German Synodal Way, calling it a “suicide process” and comparing its decision-making processes to the 1933 Enabling Act that gave Hitler sweeping powers. He also called it “a self-appointed assembly, which is not authorized by God nor by the people it is supposed to represent.”
Against Cardinal Napier takes the same line as Pope St. John Paul II.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against In 2019 Cardinal Napier dismissed the idea that the ordination of married men as priests would become a global practice. This suggests that he supports maintaining the tradition of celibacy within the Catholic priesthood. His stance reflects a commitment to the existing Church discipline regarding celibacy.
Ambiguous Although Cardinal Napier hasn’t directly addressed Traditionis Custodes, he has been publicly critical of the old rite in the past, once equating the traditional Mass to a bygone age of “supreme clericalism.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Napier believes that collegiality and synodality are central to effective Church reform. Although he has been critical about some of the processes, he views the leadership of the Church as a single community and has stated that bishops must be “walking together in a joint effort to make the Church a change-maker in modern society.”
In Favor In December 2011, Cardinal Napier criticized world leaders for their failure to meet climate change commitments. Additionally, during the COP17 UN Climate Change Conference held in Durban, South Africa, Cardinal Napier, as Chair of the KwaZulu-Natal Inter-religious Council, played a role in moderating discussions on climate change and food security.
Against Cardinal Napier has expressed strong support for the teachings of Humanae Vitae and believes that the document deserves more focus and consideration.
Ambiguous Cardinal Napier was resolute in opposing Communion for remarried divorcees during the synods on the family and has expressed concerns about how the Amoris Laetitia is interpreted and applied, particularly in the context of African cultural and religious norms. However, at the same time he has defended Pope Francis against accusations related to the document, suggesting that critics are misrepresenting and vilifying the Pope by ascribing errors to Amoris Laetitia without actually identifying them.
Against Cardinal Napier expressed concerns about the German Synodal Way, particularly regarding its potential impact on the global Catholic Church. He signed a fraternal letter of concern addressed to the German episcopacy highlighting the implications of the Synodal Path for the Church worldwide.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Cardinal Nycz played down the controversy over Fiducia Supplicans and gave the document tacit support. He said it served as “a clarification of what a liturgical or sacramental blessing is” and was not akin to “a sacramental blessing that takes place in marriage.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Nycz, who allows the traditional Roman Rite to be celebrated in his diocese, said that Traditionis Custodes dealt with the issue “too harshly” and that it could cause some to leave the Church. He said those priests, who, during the papacy of Benedict XVI “had permission to celebrate the Tridentine Liturgy” should still be able to celebrate the Vetus Ordo while new priests will have to contact the Holy See for permission.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Nycz sees synodality as a fulfilment of the Second Vatican Council, “a return to the sources and the beginning of the Church’s renewal.”
Against Although Cardinal Nycz has warned against abuse of the environment, it is not a priority for him.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Cardinal Nycz has backed Familiaris Consortio while remaining silent on Amoris Laetitia. He repeatedly made statements quoting Amoris Laetitia, but not within the context of the controversy that arose over the possibility of access to Communion for Catholics who are divorced and living in a new union.
Ambiguous Although Cardinal Nycz said he was afraid of democratization in the Catholic Church and that it “could lead the Church astray,” he implicitly supported the fact that certain controversial issues were being discussed as they have been “budding and sprouting for many decades.” He also refused to sign an open letter criticizing the synodal way as he disapproved of such a method of protest, but on the grounds that he believes bishops should deal with such matters in other ways.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Cardinal Nzapalainga has expressed his opposition to changing the priestly celibacy rule, saying it would be “too much of an upheaval for our churches in Africa,” but that he was open to changing it in the future. “From my point of view, all this is happening too soon,” he said. “Let’s allow things to mature.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Nzapalainga is a firm supporter of synodality, seeing it as a way for the Church to walk together with people of other faiths and has involved Protestants and Muslims in the synodal process in his archdiocese. He has taken part in three Vatican Synods, praised aspects of the Synod on Synodality, and is a member of that synod’s Ordinary Council that oversees its organization.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown Cardinal O’Malley appears not to have addressed this specific topic publicly. He once spoke of how he’d “love to have women priests” if he were starting his own church, before immediately clarifying that the Catholic Church was founded by Christ, who gave us “something different”—namely, the tradition of ordaining men.
In Favor Yes, in that Cardinal O’Malley has welcomed Fiducia Supplicans, which allows non-liturgical blessings of same-sex couples. In a relatively supportive public statement, Cardinal O’Malley said: “We thank the Holy Father for his love and care of all the people in the flock.” According to the statement, “all Catholics, including those whose unions are not recognized by the Church, [are] equally in need of God’s grace and love,” and Fiducia Supplicans provides “clarity” on how to impart blessings for them.
Against Cardinal O’Malley strongly upholds priestly celibacy, praising it as a “special identification with Christ…who is celibate, who is a virgin.” The cardinal has said that the Amazon synod was not a “referendum” on priestly celibacy and emphasized the importance of making “sacrifices” to promote more priestly vocations.
Against When Pope Francis issued Traditionis Custodes, a statement from the Boston archdiocese indicated that Cardinal O’Malley would be “making no changes to the current practice” at that time due to “pending consultations.” Cardinal O’Malley himself celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation according to the vetus ordo in 2011.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal O’Malley embraces the current pontificate’s lexicon of synodality, saying that a synodal approach “can be an antidote to the terrible polarization we are experiencing in society that has certainly poisoned the Church.” Overall, he seems to view synodality as a way to engage difficult issues openly while remaining faithful to Church teaching, with the goal of fostering unity and addressing polarization through prayerful dialogue.
In Favor Yes. In 2018, Cardinal O’Malley led an effort by religious and scientific leaders to push the state of Massachusetts to fight the “catastrophic impacts” of climate change. According to the group’s declaration, “Climate change is an ecological and moral emergency.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous On the one hand, Cardinal O’Malley has said that “the Church will not change her teaching on the indissolubility of marriage.” On the other hand, he has praised Amoris Laetitia, the papal document opening the door to Communion for the divorced and civilly remarried. In the cardinal’s words, the text challenges us to “enter into the reality of other people’s lives and to know the power of tenderness.” It is ambiguous whether the cardinal’s words are meant to be an endorsement of Communion for the divorced and civilly remarried, however.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against In 2008, Cardinal Ouellet cited John Paul II as having reached a “definitive” conclusion on the question, and in October 2018, he reaffirmed that position, opposing the “pretension” on behalf or on the part of women “to that which is for ministers in the sacerdotal sense.” In 2021 he said that men and women should not be “placed completely on the same level from the point of view of ministry, because of the symbolic scope to the sacramental roles.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Although Cardinal Ouellet says it is “conceivable” that the rule could be changed, he considers sacerdotal celibacy “a gift for the Church” that is founded “in the person of Christ.” Shortly before the Amazon synod in October 2019, he also published a book arguing that in the face of challenges, the Church should not seek quick solutions but, rather, should deepen its understanding of the tradition of priestly celibacy in the Latin Rite.
In Favor Cardinal Ouellet is reported to have allied with Cardinals Parolin and Versaldi in steering a CDF discussion in the direction of imposing severe restrictions on the traditional Latin rite which culminated in Traditionis Custodes that was published on July 16, 2021.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against During the 2008 International Eucharistic Congress, Cardinal Ouellet praised Humanae Vitae. He noted the connection between the Eucharist and respect for human life. “The consequences of the culture of contraception,” he said, “are visible in the culture with abortion and with the question of marriage.” Again in 2018, while interpreting Amoris Laetitia, he sounded the same theme, connecting the use of contraception, abortion, euthanasia, divorce, and “the pseudo-marriage of same-sex couples” as part of what St. John Paul II called “the culture of death.”
In Favor Although Cardinal Ouellet took a distinctly different position on the issue before the publication of Amoris Laetitia, after its publication, he strongly defended it teaching and urged Catholics to reread the document carefully without prejudice. He considers the document to be official, normative, and a “remarkable result” of extensive consultation and discernment, and does not think it changes Church doctrine on marriage and family.
Against Cardinal Ouellet said the Synodal Way’s proposals raised “serious difficulties from anthropological, pastoral, and ecclesiological standpoints” and believed the initiative also raised concerns about potential schism within the Church.
Against In an official letter dated October 23, 2023, addressed the German Bishops’ Conference regarding the German Synodal Way, Cardinal Parolin stated that the ordination of women to the priesthood is “non-negotiable” and not up for discussion with German bishops. While the letter does not explicitly address the diaconate for women, the overall tone suggests a conservative stance on changes to established Church roles.
Ambiguous Cardinal Parolin cautiously welcomed Fiducia Supplicans while at the same time saying it required more study. He stressed that such a change must be “faithful” to the Church’s tradition and heritage, that there must be “progress in continuity.”
Ambiguous Cardinal Parolin has said that celibacy could theoretically be discussed although he notes the advantages to priests of remaining celibate.
In Favor Cardinal Parolin has made it clear in private that he is firmly opposed to the traditional liturgy. He reportedly played a “key role” in the creation of Traditionis Custodes, Pope Francis’ motu proprio restricting the Traditional Latin Mass and continues to push for restrictions.
In Favor Cardinal Parolin has been the key architect of the Vatican-China accords. He has insisted that patience is needed to see the fruits of what he predicts will be a long process and has said he is relying on the “good faith” of the Chinese Communist Party. Speaking to journalists at a conference in Rome in May 2024, Parolin said regarding both parties’ stance towards the deal, “We are all interested in the agreement being renewed” in October 2024.
In Favor Cardinal Parolin has often expressed his wish for a more decentralized, synodal Church.
In Favor As Secretary of State, Cardinal Parolin is an advocate of climate science and has frequently called for global efforts to combat climate change.
Ambiguous Although Cardinal Parolin has described the encyclical as “prophetic” in foreseeing ethical challenges to traditional family structures, he also took part in a book presentation held by those who would like to see the Church change Humanae Vitae’s teaching on contraception. Parolin’s implicit support for the book along with his lack of support for Fra’ Matthew Festing or Cardinal Raymond Burke and their strong positions against the distribution of large numbers of contraceptives by the Order of Malta in 2016 heighten the possibility that he would like to see the teaching revisited.
In Favor Cardinal Parolin has expressed support for wider access to the Sacraments, specifically for civilly remarried divorcees, seeing it as part of a new paradigm for the Church of “accompanying and listening.” He was also instrumental in formalizing throughout the Church an approach by Buenos Aires bishops to allow civilly remarried persons to receive the Sacraments in some cases.
In Favor Although Parolin has firmly opposed certain heterodox positions of the synodal way and the creation of a permanent council, he has not condemned the process in itself.
Against Cardinal Piacenza has said “apostolic tradition” on the matter has been “unequivocally clear” and “has always recognized that the Church has not received the power from Christ to confer ordination on women.” This for him extends to a female diaconate.
Unknown Unknown. However, Cardinal Piacenza has been clear in the past about forbidding admission to the sacrament of Holy Orders for any who practice homosexuality.
Against Cardinal Piacenza has been firm in his opposition to changing the celibacy rule, seeing the rule as “a precious gift given by God to his Church and as a sign of the kingdom which is not of this world — a sign of God’s love for this world and of the undivided love of the priest for God and for God’s people.”
Against Although Cardinal Piacenza has not spoken publicly about the issue, he is known in private to be opposed.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Pizzaballa has not commented on the issue of admitting women to the diaconate. However, he has said the “constant and clear reference” for the Church’s stance on an all-male priesthood is “faith, history and Tradition.” In this context, he has also stressed the importance of not harming relations with the Orthodox.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Pizzaballa has made no statement regarding Traditionis Custodes, but associates say he “has no problem with the celebration of the traditional Mass” and that the issue is “rather moot” as the cardinal is immersed in “the great diversity of rites within the Catholic Church (Latin, Byzantine, Maronite, Syrian, Armenian).”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Cardinal Pizzaballa implemented the synodal process in the Patriarchate, inviting everyone to be involved. At the time, he understood it to be only “consultative” and said in 2023 that the nature of the Synod “has changed a lot” with the Synod on Synodality.
Ambiguous Cardinal Pizzaballa was supportive of Laudato Si’ and he appears sympathetic to the cause of protecting “our common home,” but the topic of climate change is not recurrent in his teaching.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Pizzaballa has not spoken publicly about the German “Synodal Way,” but he is opposed to some of its key elements.
Against Although Cardinal Ranjith has not made any public statements on the issue, he is generally considered a conservative figure within the Catholic Church, closely aligned with the teaching of Pope Benedict XVI, and so is likely to be against female deacons or a female diaconate.
Against Although Cardinal Ranjith has not addressed same-sex blessings directly, he is likely to be opposed to same-sex blessings given his stance in general on the Church’s moral teaching. He has described homosexuality as a defect.
Against Although Cardinal Ranjith has not specifically voiced opposition, he understands priestly celibacy, as well as poverty and obedience, as a way of loving the community “in the total and exclusive manner in which Jesus Christ her head and spouse loved.” He is therefore unlikely to want to make priestly celibacy optional.
Against Although Cardinal Ranjith has not spoken about Traditionis Custodes, he values the traditional Mass, served to protect and promote it as a senior official at the Vatican’s office on the liturgy, and generally favors a reverent liturgy. He also has reservations about concelebration, and communion in the hand and standing up.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Cardinal Ranjith has expressed strong reservations about the German Synodal Way; he has not spoken publicly about the Synod on Synodality.
In Favor Cardinal Ranjith’s statements and actions show a consistent concern for environmental issues and climate change. He has called for better environmental policies, protection of natural resources, and a transition to cleaner energy sources.
Against Although Cardinal Ranjith has not made any public statements on the issue, he is generally considered a conservative figure within the Catholic Church, closely aligned with the teaching of Pope Benedict XVI, and so is unlikely to be in favor of reassesssing Humanae Vitae.
Against Cardinal Ranjith believes the dubia cardinals had a point in seeking clarification on this point with the Holy Father, but would have preferred if it had been done in a less confrontational manner.
Against Cardinal Ranjith has said he “cannot accept” the German Synodal Way and sees the Church as a “universal fraternity” whereby one country cannot “answer for our problems in the whole world.”
Ambiguous Cardinal Ravasi said in 2017 that he thought it was possible that women could be ordained to the diaconate but has not overtly backed the idea.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Although Cardinal Ravasi has not given his outright support to changing the rule, he has also not definitively opposed it either.
Ambiguous Although he has not spoken about Traditionis Custodes, he has been critical of the old rite and “traditionalists.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Ravasi has stressed the need for those collaborative and inclusive approaches within the Church that he believes synodality offers. He believes similarities to synodality can be found in the history in the Church and claims it was outlined in the Scriptures.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Cardinal Ravasi has spoken little about the encyclical. In 2018, he defended its topicality and relevance at a conference which also featured speakers pushing for a reassessment of the document.
Ambiguous Although he has not specifically addressed the issue in the context of Amoris Laetitia, he is likely to be supportive of the document’s teaching on this area. As a Synod Father at the two synods on the family, Ravasi argued that the “primitive Christian community recognized an exception to the ban on divorce, without questioning Jesus’ message over the indissolubility of the sacrament.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Ryś has always cited current Church discipline and teaching on the issue. In keeping with Pope John Paul II’s Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, he has stated that the sacrament of ordination to the presbyterate is reserved only to men in the Church, and the Church has no authority to change this.
Against Cardinal Ryś opposes same-sex blessings and supported Fiducia Suplicans only on the grounds that, according to him, “the content of the document does not allow blessings to be given to same-sex couples.”
Ambiguous Although Cardinal Ryś has praised the priestly celibacy rule, he has said it is the “result of a historical process, not an eternal norm.” He has also said he does not believe optional celibacy will result “in an avalanche of vocations to the priesthood.”
Ambiguous Although Cardinal Ryś is generally in favor of allowing the vetus ordo (in the Archdiocese of Łódź there are 12 places where Mass is celebrated in the traditional Roman rite), he believes restrictions are admissible in certain circumstances if adherents dissent from Vatican II.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Ryś has said the Church “must be synodal, also because by definition it is missionary, and its mission must be undertaken communally. Synodal means communal.”
In Favor Cardinal Ryś has spoken of his agreement with the need for “ecological conversion” which, he says, manifests itself in gratitude, a sense of community and responsibility for the created world.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Ryś sees the change in Amoris Laetitia to allow access to Holy Communion in some cases to be in line with Church teaching — a development but not a change in that teaching.
Against Cardinal Ryś has implied that the German Synodal Way is not the kind of collegial result that Pope Francis meant when he introduced synodality.
Against In the book he co-authored with the Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, From the Depth of Our Hearts, Cardinal Sarah made clear that the female diaconate has been ruled out by the Catholic Church. The “possibility of women being ordained as priests or deacons,” Sarah stated, “was settled definitively by Saint John Paul II in the Apostolic Letter Ordinatio sacerdotalis dated May 22, 1994.”
Against Following the publication of the highly controversial 2023 Vatican declaration Fiducia Supplicans that permitted the non-liturgical blessing of “irregular couples,” including homosexual couples, Cardinal Sarah called the promotion of such blessings a “heresy.”
Against Cardinal Sarah strongly opposes the relaxation of the discipline of priestly celibacy, calling such a move a definitive “break with the Apostolic Tradition” that would have “serious consequences.”
Against Cardinal Sarah continued to celebrate the Traditional Roman Rite after the publication of Traditionis custodes and its wide-ranging restrictions and accused the motu proprio of possibly posing “a threat to the Church’s unity.” He added that the “unfettered celebration” of the Traditional Latin Mass “has manifestly brought forth good fruits.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Sarah was one of the five cardinals who on August 21, 2023, sent a set of five questions or “Dubia” to Pope Francis to express their concerns and seek clarification on points of doctrine and discipline ahead of the opening of the Synod on Synodality at the Vatican in October 2023. He has been critical of the indiscriminate inclusion of all in the synodal dialogue in the name of the sensus fidelium: “Just because someone identifies as Catholic does not mean they are part of the sensus fidelium. To be Catholic is more than a cultural identification; it is a profession of faith.”
Against Cardinal Sarah, quoting Pope Francis’s Laudato Si’, has preached on the need for Catholics to be stewards of the environment, saying that the financial interests of multinational companies are among the greatest threats to God’s creation. “A policy of unlimited productivity inevitably leads to human, cultural, or ecological catastrophes,” he said. But he has warned against making “ecology,” or other human concerns, the focus of the Church’s commitment. Some urge the Church “not to speak about God, but to throw itself body and soul into social problems: migration, ecology, dialogue, the culture of encounter, the struggle against poverty, for justice and peace. These are of course important and vital questions before which the Church cannot shut her eyes. But a Church such as this is of interest to no one. The Church is only of interest because she allows us to encounter Jesus. She is only legitimate because she passes on Revelation to us.”
Against Cardinal Robert Sarah has consistently defended the teachings of Humanae Vitae which he views as prophetic and has given no indication he wants it reassessed. Rather he has praised Pope Paul VI for his courage in issuing the encyclical despite strong opposition. He has linked acceptance of artificial contraception to a moral crisis in the Western world that has also undermined the Church’s teachings on human sexuality and marriage.
Against Cardinal Sarah holds to the traditional teaching on the issue and that taught in Pope John Paul II’s apostolic exhortation, Familiaris Consortio. He thought discussion of the question, “like disrespectful intellectuals, giving the impression of disputing the teaching of Jesus Christ and the Church,” should stop (Sarah and Diat, God or Nothing, 249).
Against Cardinal Sarah has said: “If we look at what’s happening on the German synodal way, I don’t know where it’s going to lead. Towards a total reinvention of the Church? We’re going to take what everyone says and build a consensus. But the truth of the Church precedes us. It cannot be fabricated by us.”
In Favor Although in recent years Cardinal Schönborn has been relatively firm in opposing the ordination of women as deacons and priests, he has expressed clear openness to ordaining women as deacons in the past.
In Favor Although Cardinal Schönborn has not spoken explicitly in favor of Fiducia Supplicans, he was critical of a 2021 Vatican declaration clearly rejecting such blessings
In Favor Cardinal Schönborn has frequently expressed openness to making priestly celibacy optional, but he believes it should be left to a Council to decide.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Schönborn has spoken strongly in favor of synodality, describing it as “the modus operandi of ecclesial communion.”
In Favor As head of the Austrian bishops, Cardinal Schönborn oversaw divestment of Church finances from fossil fuels. He has also warned of environmental threats to the Amazon rainforest.
Ambiguous In 2009 Cardinal Schönborn strongly criticized some of his predecessors for lacking the courage to speak out against birth control and blaming them in part for the declining birth rate in Europe. However, in 2018 he allowed the official website of the Austrian bishops and his own diocesan website to publish a series of articles reassessing the encycical and undermining Humanae Vitae’s teaching on contraception.
In Favor Cardinal Schönborn was a leading proponent of the change and was instrumental in promoting it and giving it a disputed Thomistic stamp of approval, both during the synods and after the publication of Amoris Laetitia. He views it as an “organic development” of Church teaching.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Scola believes the Church “does not have the power” to confer holy orders on women and is a solid proponent of an all-male priesthood. [Scola, The Nuptial Mystery, 2005]
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Scola is a firm believer in priestly celibacy.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Scola is a strong supporter of synodality but has “some fears” about how it will unfold and has inferred that he has concerns it is too focused on sociological and humanistic concerns rather than the Catholic faith.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Angelo Scola has clearly and consistently upheld the Church’s teaching on Humanae Vitae and artificial contraception, stressing the importance of the indissolubility of the unitive and procreative aspects in the conjugal act, and stating that these two aspects cannot be separated. He has always opposed the use of artificial contraception, in accordance with Humanae Vitae, and continues to oppose it.
Against Cardinal Scola has been clear about not allowing civilly remarried divorcees receive Holy Communion, except on the basis stated in Pope St. John Paul II’s apostolic exhortation, Familiaris Consortio. He has not criticized Amoris Laetitia directly, but has said it was not the first instance of the Church showing “attention” and “sensitivity” to divorced Catholics.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown Cardinal Sturla has shown gestures of recognition for women working in the Church, and has spoken out strongly against violence against women, but he has made no specific statements
about women deacons or women priests.
Against Cardinal Sturla has consistently opposed the blessing of same-sex couples and although he has sympathy for Pope Francis’ position from the point of view of compassion, he rejected Fiducia Supplicans saying it was ambiguous, divisive, created confusion, and contradicted the Vatican’s previous 2021 statement on the issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Sturla is skeptical of the model of synodality having seen it at work in Latin America. “It did not have a special resonance,” he said, failed to be “representative of most participants, and had “many shortcomings,” He was similarly critical of the Synod on Synodality, saying it was too inward looking and would fail because of that. The Church must evangelize by focusing on proclaiming Jesus Christ as Savior, he said, otherwise she will merely be “like a giant NGO that seeks a better world with others.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Sturla has said he is aware of the challenges of making the Church’s teaching understood by everyone, but he is also convinced she must not compromise on her teaching by “denying her own identity.” The Church, he says, “cannot seek to be sympathetic by leaving aside the Gospel message” because to do that “would be a betrayal.”
Against Although Cardinal Sturla initially considered the “merciful” openness promoted by Francis on this issue to be an advance, he later became firmer in his opposition to it, saying a divorced person who has a second union cannot receive Communion, because if his marriage is first valid, that is the norm of the Church.”
Against Although Cardinal Sturla has not specifically addressed this issue, his opposition to the synodal model in general means it can safely be assumed he is against the Synodal Way of the German Church.
Against Cardinal Tagle has not made a public statement about ordaining women to the diaconate. He served on a Vatican committee which determined that “a ministry of deaconesses did indeed exist,” this ministry “was not perceived as simply the feminine equivalent of the masculine diaconate.”
Ambiguous Cardinal Tagle has not yet made a public statement on Fiducia Supplicans. The pro-“LGBTQ” group New Ways Ministry has said Tagle has a “generally pro-LGBTQ record,” having previously spoken out against “harsh words” against “LGBTQ” Catholics. This factor, together with Cardinal Tagle’s generally progressive, pro-Francis stances, makes it very possible he supports the blessing of same-sex couples but his precise position is unclear.
Ambiguous Cardinal Tagle has spoken of the need for open-minded discussions about clerical celibacy. “Some make it the culprit for all types of sexual misconduct. Others defend it but in a narrowly legalistic way that proves ineffectual,” he said. “We need a serene but comprehensive consideration of the matter.”
Ambiguous While Cardinal Tagle seems not to have made a specific statement in favor of restricting the Traditional Latin Mass, he has spoken more generally about Catholics needing to let go of the desire to “witness to Christ in some idealized past that they long for with nostalgia.” As a progressive cardinal loyal to Francis’ magisterium and a member of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments since June 1, 2022, it is probable that he supports this pontificate’s restriction of the Vetus Ordo.
In Favor Cardinal Tagle defends the agreement with China on the appointment of bishops, saying its purpose is “to safeguard the valid apostolic succession and the sacramental nature of the Catholic Church in China,” and “this can reassure, comfort, and enliven baptized Catholics in China.” Responding to critics of the accords, Cardinal Tagle says that having some negative reactions toward the agreement is “part of the process” and “one always has to dirty one’s hands with the reality of things as they are.”
In Favor In remarks to a U.S. priests’ association, Cardinal Tagle said, “My vision for a synodal church is a church that rediscovers this wonderful gift of the Spirit given to the whole church in Vatican II.” He said of efforts to undermine the synodal process: “It really, in a way, pains me and shocks me. I don’t want to judge people. But sometimes I just wish people would calmly, calmly read the documents of Vatican II…”
In Favor A strong supporter of Pope Francis’s environmental encyclical Laudato Si, Cardinal Tagle has stressed the importance of listening to “the cry of the Earth” and fighting “misguided anthropocentrism.”
In Favor Cardinal Tagle’s approach to the encyclical aligns with a broader trend within parts of the Church’s current leadership to re-read and contextualize Humanae Vitae in light of contemporary issues and to give it a more “pastoral” emphasis.
Ambiguous Instead of offering a clear “yes” or “no” answer, Cardinal Tagle holds that “every situation for those who are divorced and remarried is quite unique.” A general rule, he added, “might be counterproductive in the end.” My position at the moment is to ask, ‘Can we take every case seriously, and is there, in the tradition of the Church, paths towards addressing each case individually?’ This is one issue that I hope people will appreciate is not easy to say ‘no’ or to say ‘yes’ to. We cannot give one formula for all.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Although Cardinal Tolentino has said he aligns with official stance of the Church, his alliances with those in favor of ordination of women as deacons suggest he is not wholly against the possibility.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Cardinal Tolentino supports ongoing discussion of priestly celibacy.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Tolentino sees synodality as something that will “mark the Church of the future” and vital for her future engagement with the world.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Tolentino has celebrated the document’s approach and its pastoral discernment in addressing the complexities of people’s lives.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Turkson has affirmed the important role women play in the Church but has also said that limiting holy orders to men does not discriminate against women.
Ambiguous In 2021, Turkson supported a Vatican declaration against the blessing of same-sex couples but he has not spoken either for or against the Vatican’s later declaration Fiducia Supplicans which approved of non-liturgical blessings.
In Favor The cardinal has framed removing the requirements of clerical celibacy as one of many solutions to the shortage of priestly vocations.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous While Cardinal Turkson has not made specific comments on synodality, his involvement in various Church initiatives and his alignment with Pope Francis’s vision suggest that he supports the principles of synodality as a means to promote dialogue and unity within the Church.
In Favor Turkson has a strong focus on climate change, seeing it through the lens of “integral ecology.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Although he has not addressed the issue directly, his alignment with Pope Francis on other issues might suggest a more pastoral and case-by-case approach, in line with the spirit of Amoris Laetitia.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Cardinal Vérgez Álzaga welcomed the reform of the Roman Curia, seeing it as helping the Church to become more synodal.
In Favor Cardinal Vérgez Álzaga has willingly followed climate policies in the Vatican aimed at reducing fossil fuel emissions.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Woelki has said that Ordinatio Sacerdotalis “is a binding decision” that should apply to the Church ”of all times, regardless of its development.”
Ambiguous Cardinal Woelki called the 2021 Vatican Responsum that gave a definitive “no” to blessing same-sex couples “a reinforcement of the Catholic understanding of marriage and family.” After Fiducia Supplicans, his Archdiocese stated its support for the 2023 Vatican declaration that allowed non-liturgical blessings of same-sex couples: “In accordance with this document, we in the Archdiocese of Cologne will continue to shape our pastoral work in unity with the universal Church.”
Against Cardinal Woelki has rejected the idea of “throwing celibacy overboard because of the low number of priestly vocations.” In his view the proposal to abolish celibacy is only an “apparent solution” to a problem that must be answered rather by working to reconnect people with Jesus Christ.
Against Cardinal Woelki has given solid support to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) in the Archdiocese of Cologne.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Ambiguous Cardinal Woelki is opposed to the German Synodal Way, but sees the Synod on Synodality as positive. “The Church is an institution that has to reform itself again and again – and in doing so must align itself with Jesus. But the issues of the Synodal Way – such as admission to the ordained ministries – have been around for decades. I advocate tackling these issues together with the universal Church. I am therefore glad that the Pope has convened a world synod.”
In Favor Cardinal Woelki considers climate issues to be important and signed the “We are ready” appeal declaring his readiness to become more involved in the fight against climate change.
Against Cardinal Woelki has expressed no wish to revisit Humanae Vitae. He continues to take the position that the Church’s ban on the birth control pill is justified.
Ambiguous Cardinal Woelki has praised the eighth chapter of Amoris Laetitia that loosens restrictions on allowing Communion: “Neither dogmatism nor arbitrariness lead to the goal, but only persistent devotion in the spirit of Christ, that mercy which is not cheap grace, but places the heart alongside reason.” However, he still views it as an issue for the internal forum and believes discernment should be carried out “in discussion with the confessor.” The cardinal also has yet to clarify whether he accepts allowing Communion in a remarriage only if the partners live as brother and sister (cf. Familiaris Consortio), or whether he also considers the situation of living more uxorio to be possible, as some interpreters of Amoris Laetitia prefer.
Against Cardinal Woelki did not support any of the demands of the Synodal Way and, departing from the majority of German bishops, tried to push through a completely different statute. He warned against trying to “further develop the teaching” if that meant “total opposition to the existing teaching.” The cardinal suggested that the proposals of the Synodal Way could even be “against Revelation,” and that this threatened the unity of the Church. However, unlike the bishops of Passau and Regensburg, he did not formally take a position separate to the affirmative one taken by the rest of the German Episcopate.
Unknown Cardinal Heung-Sik has not directly addressed the issue of women deacons, but his emphasis on the diverse roles within the Church and the importance of each vocation might suggest an openness to discussing various forms of service and leadership within the Church, albeit within the current doctrinal framework.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against Cardinal Heung-sik is firmly opposed to such a change, and said it would not solve the vocation crisis.
In Favor Although Cardinal Heung-sik on has not commented on Traditionis Custodes, he has criticized what he calls “the nostalgia of traditionalism” which he believes hides the “desire to return to a society in which the priest was ‘somebody.’” He is also said by those who know him to “put pressure on tradition” and is very loyal to Pope Francis. It is therefore very likely that he supports the restrictions.
In Favor Cardinal Heung-sik is a firm supporter of the Accords and strongly praised them.
Ambiguous Cardinal Heung-sik has praised synodality in general but has not endorsed some of the more radical changes proposed.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
In Favor Although Cardinal Heung-sik has not said anything definitive about this issue he has warned against what he sees as “sterile disputes” and stressed that it is “better to be imperfect in communion than to be perfect in disunity.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
Against “Today I would say no, the Pope said it, he also repeated it at the Synod,” Cardinal Zuppi said in November 2023 about women priests and deacons.
In Favor Cardinal Zuppi firmly defended Pope Francis’ line on Fiducia Supplicans, saying the document shows “the loving gaze of the Church for all of God’s children without undermining the teachings of the Magisterium.” Eighteen months earlier, Zuppi allowed a church blessing of a homosexual couple in his archdiocese.
In Favor Cardinal Zuppi does not exclude the possibility of making priestly celibacy optional, saying it’s a topic “being discussed.” He has recalled that in the Catholic Church there are already married priests. “If you go to Ukraine or Romania, the priests of the Byzantine rite communities, but linked to Rome, are already there,” he said. “So it is a discipline that can be changed.”
In Favor Although Cardinal Zuppi is sympathetic to the old Mass and has celebrated it, he has also expressed his support for Traditionis Custodes.
In Favor Cardinal Zuppi’s diplomatic efforts with Beijing are aimed not only at fostering peace but also continuing the Vatican’s secret agreement with China.
In Favor Cardinal Zuppi sees synodality as a fundamental process for renewing the Church, making it more open, inclusive and capable of responding to contemporary challenges while always maintaining fidelity to the evangelical message.
In Favor Cardinal Zuppi has expressed support for Pope Paul VI’s Encyclical Humanae Vitae but has not explicitly endorsed its teaching against the use of contraception. In 2023, Zuppi indicated he supported a renewal of perspectives regarding the Church’s teaching on contraception, and encouraged theologians to “go further” with “creative fidelity.”
In Favor As president of the Bishops’ Conference of Emilia-Romagna, Cardinal Zuppi played a key role in developing pastoral guidelines for chapter 8 of Amoris Laetitia. Issued in 2018, the guidelines appear to depart from traditional Church teaching on admission of the divorced and “remarried” to Holy Communion. Contrary to John Paul II’s 1981 apostolic exhortation on the Christian family in the modern world, Familiaris Consortio, n. 84, the document argues that chastity is not the only possible option for “remarried” divorcees, “since the new union and therefore also the good of the children could be put at risk in the absence of conjugal acts.”
Unknown We could not find any evidence of the cardinal addressing this issue.
- Key:
- In Favor
- Against
- Ambiguous
- Unknown
Photo: Alamy/Abaca Press